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Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons Over the weekend I finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. This book is the prequel you could say to the widely acclaimed The Da Vinci Code. Looking at some of the book lists however, I see that Angels and Demons is gaining a lot of repute in it own right. And I can see why – this book is amazing. I had a hard time putting it down – which lead to a couple of late nights – and in the end I think that it was better than The Da Vinci Code. At the very least it provided a different kind of satisfaction. Whereas there was more intrigue and riddling in The Da Vinci Code, this book was more suspenseful and “action-packed”. Angels and Demons takes place first with the same main character, but I don’t feel I missed anything important by reading them in the opposite order.

Overall the book is highly recommended.

Written by Colin Bate