Coast On Fire: The System Apocalypse #5
Tao Wong
Anyone in Bermuda will already know this, but as part of extending our lockdown, they have adjusted the schedule when we are allowed to go out for groceries. Instead of two groups with three days each, it is now three groups with two days each. It may be fewer days, but from my experience at the beginning of the alphabet, it appears to have reduced the lines at the grocery stores. Of course, my sample size is small, and it could be coincidental, but walking straight in today after the debacle that was Friday was certainly welcome.
They’re also allowing select other businesses to open for curbside pickup like hardware stores. That is less important for me. I do technically need to get stuff from the hardware store, but it isn’t urgent enough that I’m going to deal with the hassle of trying to order over the phone.
Back on the puzzle front, the link was shared with colleagues today. There isn’t any sort of competition associated with it, so if you haven’t seen it yet, you can check it out at Puzzle Quest.
My intention is to continue it as a monthly(ish) series with each puzzle challenge feeding into the next. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep that up, but I have the next one mapped out and some ideas for June as well.
Things I’m grateful for:
- No lines at the grocery store today
- Getting some water delivered the day after ordering it
- That I don’t need to run errands for the next two days